Chapel Hill Police Department Archive
For emergencies Dial 911.
For non-emergencies after-hours calls dial (931) 364-2213.

Driver refuses to stop for police and crashes vehicle in power pole |
On Tuesday June 05, 2018 a Chapel Hill Police Officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop on Depot Street when the driver identified as Darrin Terry refused to stop. The driver took off at a high rate of speed, passing a vehicle and nearly hitting two children on bicycles before loosing control of his vehicle and crashing into a power pole in the front yard of 607 Depot Street. Officers took the driver and passenger to the hospital out of precaution where they were cleared by medical staff to go to jail. The driver was charged with seven counts of reckless endangerment, felony fleeing and evading and driving while revoked. The passenger Melinda Geasley had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear from Marshall County. The Tennessee Highway Patrol investigated the crash and cited the driver for financial responsibility, failure to exercise due care and failure to maintain lane.

-6/08/2018 02:40 a.m. |
CHPD is Hiring! |
The Chapel Hill Police Department is now accepting applications for the position of Police Officer through Monday, July 02, 2018. Certified applicants preferred. Applications and job description may be obtained at Chapel Hill Police Department located at 119 N. Horton Pkwy, Chapel Hill, TN. Any questions regarding the position can be directed to Chapel Hill Police Department at 931-364-4136. The Town of Chapel Hill is an EOE and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or veteran status.
-6/07/2018 06:00 p.m. |
Police Week celebrated with Little Rockets Daycare! |
Little Rockets Daycare students created beautiful artwork for the police department and helped to brighten up the officers' spirits during National Police Week May 13-19, 2018. A big Thank You to all the students at the daycare! Ofc. Elliott was able to share with the children his duties as a police officer and the children had an up close look at his patrol car.

-5/30/2018 03:00 p.m. |
Thank You Family Dollar! |
The Chapel Hill Police Department would like to thank The Family Dollar Store #6720 for providing the police officers each a goodie bag and this note on May 08, 2018. The officers are very grateful for the support from each of our community businesses. Store employees also contacted the Chief and expressed their appreciation of Ofc. Dustin Elliott for his efforts in patroling the store and parking lot areas.

-5/05/2018 06:00 p.m. |
CHPD Welcomes The Tennessee Trucking Foundation |
The Chapel Hill Police Department would like to thank The Tennessee Trucking Foundation and Sharp Transport Inc. for coming to the Chapel Hill Elementary School on May 04, 2018 for Success Day. The Foundation provided the children with safety tips and a first hand look inside a semi-truck. In addition, the school received a copy of the book Papa Doug Hauls Strawberries & Smiles for the children to enjoy. The Road Safety Team Captains also provided each child with stickers, magnets and pencils. A big thank you to the Road Team Captains Cleve McCord & David Gooch for volunteering their time for this event.

-5/05/2018 06:00 p.m. |
Pill Take Back |
The Chapel Hill Police Department will be taking part in the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. National Take-Back Day is a safe, convenient, and responsible way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs. The Chapel Hill Police Department will again team up with The Drug Enforcement Administration for its one-day event to help the community get rid potentially dangerous prescription drugs. Last fall's Take-Back Day event collected a record-setting 912,305 pounds of prescription drugs across the country in one day. The Drug Enforcement Administration first launched its Take-Back Day in 2010, and since then has collected more than nine million pounds of medicine from the public. On Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. representatives from the Chapel Hill Police Department, will be standing at Chapel Hill Police Department located at 119 N. Horton Pkwy, Chapel Hill, TN. Residents will be able to drop off their expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Liquids, needles or sharp objects of any kind will not be able to be collected.

-April 25, 2018, 3:00 p.m. |
Rocket Car Wash Burglary |
The Chapel Hill Police Department is pleased to report that the Rocket Car Wash burglary case has been solved. Warrants for burglary, vandalism and theft were issued for Zachary Smith from Centerpoint, Alabama. Smith admitted to breaking into the Rocket Wash and stealing money from the vending machines
-April 25, 2018, 2:50 p.m. |
Chapel Hill Police Department Gives Thanks! |
The Chapel Hill Police Department would like to thank the students from the Delk-Henson's SMAK Program (Smart Minds Awesome Kids) and their teacher Lacey Lampley for taking the time to provide goodie bags for the officers of the Chapel Hill Police Department. The students created the bags as a community service project and decorated each of the bags with inspiring messages.

-April 14, 2018, 9:54 a.m. |
Chapel Hill Police Department Says Thumbs Down To Texting & Driving! |
The Chapel Hill Police Department will be partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) to promote the fourth annual Thumbs Down to Texting and Driving campaign during the month of April. April is nationally recognized as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Agencies participate in the campaign by promoting safe driving habits and increasing awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Throughout April, the THSO will use #ThumbsDownTN to promote the campaign via social media. Overall, being distracted in any way makes you a worse driver than you would be if you were completely focused on the road. The Chapel Hill Police Department is also urging parents to talk to their teen about the dangers and consequences of texting while driving, and encourage them to "always buckle up to keep them safe"; said Chief Andrew Kon. In 2017, there were 24,781 traffic crashes statewide where distracted driving was a contributing factor, according to the Tennessee Integrated Traffic Analysis Network (TITAN). Of those crashes, 120 were fatal. “Texting and driving is a serious issue,” said THSO Director Vic Donoho. “The slightest distraction could lead to a fatal crash. We caution all drivers to remain focused and alert at all times. The THSO and law enforcement partners are cracking down on distracted driving in our shared mission to Drive to Zero Fatalities across Tennessee. For more information, or to learn more about texting and driving, visit www.tntrafficsafety.org/distracteddriving.

-April 13, 2018, 3:15 p.m. |
Drug Drop Box |
Chapel Hill Police Department now has a drug drop box! You can drop off unwanted, unused, or expired prescription pills and over the counter medications, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with no paperwork to fill out and no questions asked.

-March 15, 2018, 11:46 a.m. |
Forrest High School |
A rumored threat at Forrest High School has been examined by law enforcement, and at this time our Department has investigated and there is no indication of a threat.
-March 14, 2018, 9:54 a.m. |