Building Inspection & Local Codes | Fire | Parks & Recreation | Police Department | Public Works

Building Inspection & Local Codes
Building Inspector, Richard King
(615) 604-4931
Local Codes, Chad Dennis
(615) 418-0041
>Other City Departments

For Emergencies Dial 911
Non-emergency after-hours calls
(931) 364-2213
Fire Chief, Matt Stout
(931) 364-4135
Town of Chapel Hill Administrator, Mark Graves
(931) 364-7632
The Chapel Hill Fire Department and Marshall County Emergency Medical Service announced the beginning of upgraded medical response recently at the Fire Station in Chapel Hill with Marshall County EMS, city and county leaders, and fire department personnel in attendance.
The gathering marked the beginning of the Chapel Hill Fire Departments decision to provide basic life support (BLS) services to the citizens and visitors of Chapel Hill and the north end of Marshall County. Until now, the department has been operating at a basic medical first responder level. CHFD is now the first fire department in Marshall County to provide BLS services.
Fire Chief Matt Stout initiated the program and has made it a priority. He and EMS Assistant Director Justin Whitsett have been developing the program for the past year. EMS Director Bill Reuter and EMS Medical Director Dr. Kenneth Phelps support and approved the program.
Fire Chief Matt Stout states, "I was updating our personnel roster one day. We had at least 10 firefighters who were also medically trained, and only 2 were Emergency Medical Responders; the rest were Advanced EMT's and Paramedics. I knew then that we had to upgrade our level of EMS service for the citizens that we serve in Chapel Hill and northern Marshall County. We are proud to be the only volunteer fire agency in Marshall and any surrounding counties to provide this service."
When Chief Stout approached Chapel Hill Town Administrator Mark Graves about the possibility of the BLS program, he was very supportive saying. "This is a big deal. We are lucky to have a group of qualified guys that can do something like this".
Each of the department’s licensed Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, and Paramedics were required to complete classroom medical training, a written test, and a practical skills evaluation.
Protocols for treatment were developed and advanced equipment was purchased and placed on fire apparatus. CHFD medical personnel will now be able to perform tasks such as testing blood sugar levels, starting IV’s, and administering medications to patients who complain of chest pain. Additional calls that CHFD will be able to assist on include overdoses, allergic reactions, and diabetic emergencies.
Although the CHFD will be providing a higher level of care, Marshall County EMS will continue to provide patient transport and oversee the new program. EMS already oversees Emergency Medical Responder Programs at other fire departments including Lewisburg, Mooresville, Cornersville, Berlin, Petersburg, and Belfast.
EMS Director Bill Reuter would like to thank, the members of the Chapel Hill Fire Department for their dedication, EMS Assistant Director Justin Whitsett, Paramedic Instructor Chris Carlough, and Medical Director Dr. Kenneth Phelps for developing the training and protocols, and the local elected officials for their continued support of Emergency Medical Services in Marshall County.
>Other City Departments

Parks & Recreation
Veterans Memorial
The unveiling of the monuments representing each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at the Larry Lewter Memorial Park was one of the proudest moments in Chapel Hill history. So many people in our community participated in this endeavor that started several years ago. Although, the true thanks goes to ALL VETERANS for their service to our country.
We are still selling bricks for $120 per brick with all proceeds going back into the Veteran's fund. All Veterans qualify whether living or deceased, whether service was during peace time, conflict, war and any location whether foreign or domestic, and served in any branch from anywhere in our country.
>Other City Departments

Police Department
For Emergencies Dial 911
For non-emergency after-hours calls dial (931) 364-2213.
>Chapel Hill Police Department | >Archived Announcements & Alerts
Police Chief, Andrew Kon
(931) 364-4136
Town of Chapel Hill Administrator, Mark Graves
(931) 364-7632
Physical Address:
119 North Horton Parkway
Chapel Hill, TN 37034
>Other City Departments

Public Works
Water & Sewer
Water Bills
Water bills go out on the 1st of the Month. Payable until the 15th of the month without penalty. Payable from the 16th through the 25th at noon with penalties. Cut off for delinquent accounts is on the 25th at noon.
>Other City Departments